Getty Images provides different assets for digital media as Royalty-free stock imagery and editorial images for footage, music and multimedia. They offer an extensive stock of images and illustrations from conceptual rights-managed and royalty-free creative images to up-the-minute editorial coverage.
The process to get images from this website involves a series of steps:
Step 1: Search
We can enter keywords in the search box to preview the Creative or Editorial library of images. To brainstorm while we search, there is an option called Catalyst.
Stock imagery
We can choose Creative images to view stock photos that are trend-researched, art-directed and shot by professional photographers. Search keywords can include concepts like innovation or emotions like happiness.
News, sport and entertainment imagery
Editorial images for news, sport and entertainment photography are available. Search terms can include names like Michael Jordan or events like the F1.
Step 2: License
Licences allow us to legally use the images in our projects. The most common types of licenses are royalty-free and rights-managed. We can get a quick overview of licensing models, then start the search.
Royalty-free licenses
Royalty-free (RF) licensing is based on file size, and pricing is available right when we select an image. Royalty-free means we don't have to pay any additional royalties for successive uses of a product – it's an unlimited-use license.
Rights-managed licenses
Rights-managed (RM) image licensing is based on usage, and pricing is calculated once we provide usage specifications. These images are from the premier collections and offer highly stylized images with high production value – some can be licensed with exclusive rights.
Step 3: Download
We've selected the image and now we're ready to download for preview, or add to the cart, then check out and download. We can bill to an established account or to a credit card. We can also establish a company account for credit terms or tax-exempt purchasing, or add ourselves to an existing company account. We can contact Getty Images at any point if it needed.
Selecting the images
Once we have selected the images we want, there are a few options:
1. Click on it and have a preview in a larger size.
2. Calculate the price based on the resolution
3. Create a LighBox to see my selected images in a row
4. Download the image for sketch
5. Find similar images using a filter search engine
6. Select what is the type of media image is going to be used
7. Add to the cart
Terms and Conditions
The terms and conditions to use the images are outlined in the website and have all the specifications for copyright.
For the images downloaded for this blog some of the terms are that “the may not be used in any final materials distributed inside of your company or any materials distributed outside of your company or to the public, including, but not limited to, advertising and marketing materials or in any online or other electronic distribution system”…
The following images were downloaded from GettyImages as a preview. To download the high resolution image it is necessary to follow all the steps mentioned above.

The price for each one of this images is AUD$15.00 for 3 months Royalty Free
Royalty Images
Royalty-free images
Royalty-free pricing is based solely on the size of the product we need, not the specific use. We don't have to pay any additional royalties on a use-by-use basis. Once we purchase a royalty-free product, we may use it multiple times for multiple projects without paying additional fees. (Pornographic, defamatory, libelous or otherwise unlawful use of any image is, of course, prohibited.) Royalty-free products are designated by an (RF) next to the identification number.
Rights-managed images
Rights-managed products are licensed with restrictions on usage, such as limitations on size, placement, duration of use and geographic distribution. We will be asked to submit information concerning our intended use of the product, which will determine the scope of usage rights granted.Royalty-free footage
Royalty-free is a licensing model granting the customer the right to use a specific clip in an unlimited number of projects for a fixed one-time fee.
Rights-ready footage
Rights-ready is a licensing model granting the customer the right to use a specific clip within a specific project (e.g., advertisement, television program, corporate video, film, etc.) for a fixed fee determined by the usage category(s) corresponding to the project.
All the sources used for this blog entry: